Elevation® Elevation Railing Support Plate

ELEVATION® RSE (Railing Embed Support) rail mounting plate provides a mounting plate for railing systems to weld to once the finished concrete is installed. Due to the offset top plate and post, you lose less square footage of the balcony.


Steel stanchion using two pieces of ¼” steel welded to a 1-1/2”steel post for use with ELEVATION® balcony and breezeway waterproofing Systems. ELEVATION® RSE’s provide a mounting plate for railing systems to weld to once the finished concrete is installed. Due to the offset top plate and post, you lose less squarefootage of the balcony. Primer coated for durability against the elements. Once waterproofing and concrete installation is complete, simply weld railing to RSE for a secure railing system.


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